How to make the perfect chocolate sorbet – recipe | Felicity Cloake's How to make the perfect… (2024)

Chocolate sorbet may seem a contradiction in terms; chocolate is such a classic pairing with dairy that divorcing them feels like cruelty. In fact, much as I love ice-cream of all varieties, in this case, the absence of extra fat allows the chocolate to take centre stage, making for a purer, more intense cocoa hit. If chocolate ice-cream is best licked from the bottom of a leaky cone on a sunny seaside afternoon, chocolate sorbet belongs in an elegant quenelle at the end of dinner – two different, but equally lovely pleasures. Not often seen in the shops (fortunately), it’s happily very easy to make, assuming you have an ice-cream machine (sorry).

How to make the perfect chocolate sorbet – recipe | Felicity Cloake's How to make the perfect… (1)

The chocolate

The most significant difference between the recipes I try comes in the means by which they achieve their chocolate flavour. Some, such as the much-recommended sorbet from David Lebovitz’s The Perfect Scoop, use three times as much chocolate as cocoa powder; some, such as the one in Hannah Kaminsky’s book, Vegan Desserts, use nearly twice as much cocoa as chocolate; and others use either chocolate alone (Linda Tubby’s Ices Italia) or just cocoa (The River Cafe).

Chocolate contains cocoa powder, of course, mixed with cocoa butter, while cocoa powder also contains a small amount of cocoa butter – which one you opt for depends on what sort of sorbet you’re after. Lebovitz and Tubby’s have a sweet, crowd-pleasing richness, while the more cocoa-heavy examples have a simpler but more powerful flavour. If you’re looking for a vegan substitute for chocolate ice-cream (and don’t want to substitute alternative dairy), then I’d recommend using Lebovitz’s excellent recipe, but if you want something distinctly different, light in texture and heavy on taste, I think cocoa is the way to go.

One of the hardest things about any ice, however, is getting the texture right – Lebovitz uses a blender to hom*ogenise the mixture before freezing, while Morfudd Richards and the River Cafe pass the sorbet mix through a sieve to remove any lumps. With regard to cocoa specifically, it’s also important not only to bloom it in boiling water for the best possible flavour, but to give it time to “cook out”, as the River Cafe’s recipe makes clear, to prevent a powdery, chalky consistency in the finished product. Do not neglect Lebovitz’s tip to use the largest pan you have, either, because, as I found to my cost, it really does boil quite enthusiastically.

The sugars

How to make the perfect chocolate sorbet – recipe | Felicity Cloake's How to make the perfect… (2)

I say sugars, because although everyone uses standard caster sugar, some deploy it in unusual ways – particularly important here, because, as Max Falkowitz notes on Serious Eats, “sugar doesn’t just sweeten sorbet – it’s also responsible for sorbet’s structure”, it lowers the freezing point of the water in which it’s dissolved. Richards uses a partially inverted stock syrup in her book Lola’s Ice Creams & Sundaes, which sounds complicated, but is, in fact, just a sugar syrup with a little cream of tartar added, and liquid glucose, which inhibits the formation of large ice or sucrose crystals for a smoother end result. It also adds body and lowers the freezing point, making the sorbet easier to scoop – but, crucially, it doesn’t taste as good with cocoa as alcohol, which is your other option to stop your sorbet turning to stone in the freezer. Richards suggests vodka and the River Cafe brandy, in unnervingly generous quantities. I like the scoopability, and the flavour combination, but I’m going to reduce the amount, so there’s just a hint of booze alongside the bittersweet cocoa. If you’d prefer to avoid it altogether, give glucose syrup a try instead.

Martha Rose Shulman in the New York Times adds honey as well as sugar, but my testers and I can’t taste it in the finished sorbet, and it doesn’t seem to have helped soften it. Kaminsky, meanwhile, bases her sorbet on a caramel, rather than a simple sugar syrup, which gives it a pleasantly toffeeish complexity that proves popular with testers – like a very grown-up frozen Rolo.

The extras

Interestingly, many restaurants (including another version from the River Cafe), include dairy, usually milk, and sometimes egg white in their sorbet recipes – I decide not to try any of these, because I think most people expect their sorbets to be dairy-free, but I assume it adds body, and is no doubt as delicious as all chocolate ices seem to be.

Though I’ve chosen to stick with the classic vanilla, chocolate goes so well with other flavours that you can get quite creative with the basic recipe below. Shulman includes peppermint essence and steeps a mint teabag in the mixture, in homage to a dessert at one of her favourite Parisian restaurants, Au Trou Gascon, which does, as she says, infuse “the thrill and depth of any dark chocolate dessert … with a light, refreshing quality”, and Linda Tubby uses a proportion of chilli chocolate to add a subtle heat to her sorbet. If you have a yen to experiment – with orange zest, perhaps, or ground cardamom or coffee – feel free, but bear in mind that flavours are dulled by freezing, so you may wish to add a little more than tastes wise at room temperature.

The churning

Much of the pleasure of this recipe is, in my opinion, the silky texture, so I think you really do need an ice-cream maker for it, sorry. (And if you want to give it a try with the still freezing method, please let me know how it works out.)

Perfect chocolate sorbet

Prep 5 min
Cook 15 min
Cool and chill 2 hr+
Churn About 20 min
Makes 600ml

100g cocoa powder
175g sugar
½ tsp salt
750ml water
30ml brandy or golden rum
1 tsp vanilla extract

How to make the perfect chocolate sorbet – recipe | Felicity Cloake's How to make the perfect… (4)

Put the cocoa, sugar, salt and water in a tall pan (it will bubble up, so the type of pan is important), stir to combine, then put on a medium-high heat and bring to a boil, whisking, until smooth. Leave to bubble away for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally so it doesn’t catch and burn.

How to make the perfect chocolate sorbet – recipe | Felicity Cloake's How to make the perfect… (5)

Stir in the alcohol, then take the pan off the heat and add the vanilla extract. Leave the mix to cool slightly, pass through a fine sieve, leave to cool completely, then chill thoroughly for at least two hours.

How to make the perfect chocolate sorbet – recipe | Felicity Cloake's How to make the perfect… (6)

Once chilled, whisk again until smooth, then churn in an ice-cream maker until smooth and frozen – depending on your machine, you may then need to freeze it for a couple of more hours before use, or you may be able to serve it immediately. Once frozen, store in a sealed container in the freezer, and remove at least 15 minutes before serving, to give it a chance to soften.

How to make the perfect chocolate sorbet – recipe | Felicity Cloake's How to make the perfect… (7)
  • Chocolate sorbet: chocolate ice-cream’s more serious cousin, or its more boring one? What do you like to pair with it (poached pears are, in fact, a lovely match), and if you’ve eaten a truly memorable example, tell us where!

  • Felicity Cloake’s new book, Red Sauce Brown Sauce: A British Breakfast Odyssey, is published by HarperCollins at £16.99. To order a copy for £14.78, go to

How to make the perfect chocolate sorbet – recipe | Felicity Cloake's How to make the perfect… (2024)


What makes sorbet creamy? ›

Without fat from dairy or eggs, it's the suspension of sugar within the fruit purée that allows the sorbet to churn into something with a creamy mouthfeel. You need 20-30% sugar in your sorbet, which will come from your fruit plus some added sugar.

What is chocolate sorbet made of? ›

Dark chocolate sorbet ingredients

Here's everything you need: cocoa powder, water, sugar, and a pinch of salt. Cocoa Powder: I highly recommend using Dutch process cocoa powder for the chocolate sorbet. It tastes smoother and less acidic, with a darker color and much deeper chocolate flavor.

How the sorbet is done? ›

Sorbet is essentially made of a simple sugar syrup, infused with fruit puree or juice or another flavoring agent like coffee or chocolate, that is then chilled and churned.

Does sorbet need egg white? ›

At its heart, sorbet is simply a frozen fruit syrup, but you can ramp it up a level and include whipped egg white or even mascarpone for a creamier result.

What is the secret of a good sorbet? ›

Sugar plays a larger roll in the sorbet than just sweetening the fruit juice. It's also crucial for the sorbet's texture. Too little sugar and the sorbet becomes icy, too much and it can be slushy — hit the sugar level just right and the sorbet will taste creamy and melt evenly across your tongue.

How do you keep sorbet creamy? ›

That's why pastry chefs look to liquid sugar like invert sugar, glucose, or dextrose, which all make sorbet creamier when used properly. The easiest alternative sugar—the one you can find in any American supermarket—is plain 'ol non-high-fructose corn syrup. Trust me: It's lemon sorbet's best friend.

Is chocolate sorbet better than ice cream? ›

Sorbet has less calories than ice cream and other frozen desserts, and no fat. It's fruit content also makes it rich in vitamin C. Any downsides? That fruit content also means it contains a fair bit of sugar, and if we're comparing it with ice cream and gelato, it has less calcium, vitamin A and iron.

Why is my sorbet grainy? ›

It makes good sorbet/icecream for same day use but if you hold it for too long (a day or two) it'll start getting grainy fast. Commercial grade machines in restaurants will freeze and churn the sorbet more. The texture will be finer and it will keep for maybe a week before it starts to get grainy.

How much sugar is in chocolate sorbet? ›

Chocolate sorbet
4 more rows

What thickens sorbet? ›

Tapioca starch (or corn starch): tapioca starch fis our go-to starch to thicken a sorbet mixture, for the velvety texture it creates. If you do not have tapioca starch, you can use corn starch instead, which is not the same, but it still works.

Why is my homemade sorbet so hard? ›

Too little sweetener and your sorbet will be icy; too much sweetener and it will be mushy. Churn or stir your sorbet while it's freezing to prevent large ice crystals from forming. Please note the “Easy (no keep)” method doesn't require any sweetener or churning/stirring.

What makes sorbet thick? ›

If it is too runny then it hasn't frozen enough. If you are freezing in an ice cream churn then the mixture should churn until it has thickened. At least until there is no liquid that hasn't crystallized.

What keeps sorbet soft? ›

1 to 2 tablespoons liqueur (this is for flavor, but it also prevents the sorbet from freezing solid. Alcohol won't freeze, so it is great insurance that you will have a soft sorbet. BUT, if you add too much sorbet won't freeze at all and you will basically have a margarita or daiquiri!)

Do you put milk in sorbet? ›

"Sorbet is made with fruit but no dairy (eggs or milk/cream) so it's generally vegan-friendly and suits those with egg or dairy allergies, too," she says. The pureness of the fruit makes it icy and refreshing, and it won't be silky or rich in its texture as some other kinds of ice creams and sherberts may be.

Why is sorbet sour? ›

One of the first frozen treats ever developed were ices (or sorbets), which essentially are a mixture of smooth ice, sugar, flavoring and other refreshing ingredients like fruit purees. A sorbet does not contain any dairy products and is more acidic, which results in tart flavors.

What makes the smooth and creamy texture in sorbet? ›

Ice cream machines work by churning / aerating mixtures whilst freezing them. As the mixture freezes, the churning action breaks down large ice crystals, producing that creamy smooth texture we know and love.

How is sorbet so smooth? ›

A machine freezes the base quickly and the churning action breaks up ice crystals resulting in a smoother texture. This can also be somewhat accomplished by stirring and mashing the sorbet three or more times while it is freezing – and then stirring and mashing again right before serving.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.